Accreditation Certificate Number 1896.01 PTC Metrology™ is accredited by A2LA to ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI/NCSL, Z540-1.
Air Immersion Certification NIST Traceable - A2LA Accredited Certifications for Air Immersion Thermometers and Hygrometers.
Analog Pencil Durometers - ASTM Type A | B | C | D | DO | OO
Digital e2000 Durometers - ASTM Type A | B | O | D | DO | OO
Durometer Metrology - A written calibration report for any durometer covered by current ASTM D2440 or ASTM F1957 specifications is available from PTC Metrology™.
Durometer Metrology - A written calibration report for any durometer covered by current ASTM D2440 or ASTM F1957 specifications is available from PTC Metrology™.
Durometer Types and Specifications This guide will help you select the right durometer type for your application.
Durometer Stand Guide This guide will help you select a compatible test stand for your durometer style and type.
LIG Thermometer Certification Certifications will include: as received, as returned data; a statement of uncertainty; laboratory conditions, and information on the primary standards. Minimum 3 Points per instrument.
Magnetic Surface Thermometers The best bimetal surface thermometer on the market for over sixty years.
Surface Thermometer Certification This certification will contain the as received and as returned calibration results of the UUT at 3 points across the UUT’s temperature scale.
Temperature Measuring Devices with Readout or Sensor Only Certification. NIST Traceable - A2LA Accredited (ISO 17025:2005) Certifications for Digital or Analog Stem Thermometers, PRT’s, RTD’s, Thermocouples, Probes, Thermistors, Semi-Submersible Units.